Juniper SRX 210 Voice over Data traffic priority config
NORMALLY, PACKET CLASSIFICATION OR MARKING IS PERFORMED AT INGRESS AS IT IS NEEDED TO ENSURE THE CORRECT TREATMENT OF THE PACKETS IN THE SUBSEQUENT PROCESSING STAGES, WHILE PACKET QUEUING/SHAPING IS USUALLY PERFORMED AT EGRESS SINCE IT IS GENERALLY WHERE BANDWIDTH LIMITATIONS OCCUR, FORCING PACKETS TO BE EITHER DROPPED OR QUEUED. 1.1 BA Classification To apply a BA classifier, first define a classifier, a list of code points (values of the DSCP or EXP bit field), and the associated forwarding classes and packet loss priorities. Once the classifier is defined, it can be applied to a logical interface. The loss priority and forwarding class will be determined by querying the classifier table for that interface, using the ingress DSCP/EXP bits of the packet as the index value (the determination of which bits to query is based on the protocol family MPLS, IPv6, or IP). The classifier defines IP precedense value 101 as voice traffic and 000 as data traffic. set class-of-service class