Interface Rate Limit on Juniper EX switches

1. Configure the policer

root@juniperlab# set firewall policer Policer_2M if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 1M
root@juniperlab# set firewall policer Policer_2M if-exceeding burst-size-limit 2k
root@juniperlab# set firewall policer Policer_2M then discard

2. Configure the firewall filter

root@juniperlab# set firewall family ethernet-switching filter Limit term 1 then accept
root@juniperlab# set firewall family ethernet-switching filter Limit term 1 then policer Poicer_2M

3. Apply filter on interface (can be any interface as required)

root@juniperlab# set interface ge-0/0/24.0 family ethernet-switching filter input Limit

Note: Remember that EX series switches apply rate limit only on ingress. 


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